Professor Amir Ali Ahmadi Receives MURI Award

May 31, 2018

Professor Amir Ali Ahmadi, in collaboration with faculty from Princeton Math & MAE, UT Austin, and Northeastern, has won a 5-year multi-million-dollar Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Award for the project titled "Verifiable, Control-Oriented Learning on the Fly". The proposal was the winner of the category "Physically Viable Learning for Control of Autonomous Dynamical Systems." The goal of the project is to learn the behavior of a dynamical system while controlling it at the same time.

The team members are Amir Ali Ahmadi (Princeton ORFE), Charlie Fefferman (Princeton Math), Clancy Rowley (Princeton MAE), Ufuk Topcu (UT Austin MAE), Arie Israel (UT Austin Math), Rachel Ward (UT Austin Math), and Mario Sznaier (Northeastern ECE).